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SCSPA Online

The Online Publication of SCSPA

SCSPA Online

SCSPA Online


Entry instructions

Due: February 1

Fee: $30

Entries must be published between the February 1, 2024 and February 1, 2025.

Winners are announced at the Spring SCSPA Conference.




  • Bylined editorial- Bylined piece appearing on editorial, feature or sports page that shows the writer’s voice, uses clear details, has a universal idea and makes the reader think.
  • Column- Bylined piece appearing on editorial, feature or sports page that shows the writer’s voice, uses clear details, has a universal idea and makes the reader think.
  • Feature- Has a news component but delves into human interest topics as well by using creativity to grab the reader’s attention and tell the story.
  • News Feature- Covers a timely topic and explains it in-depth with sources and pertinent information
  • News- Covers a timely topic and explains it in-depth with sources and pertinent information
  • Review- Reflects the writer’s opinion about a piece of pop culture. Writer should base content off facts gained from research.
  • Sports- Either a news or feature story regarding sports at the school or in the community. Article should be free from editorializing.
  • Staff editorial- Unbylined article that reflects the view of the staff about a specific issue or a major news story somewhere else in the paper. It should express the opinion of the editorial board.


  • Environmental portrait- Must be submitted with a cutline. Emphasizes personality of and gives insight into subject
  • News feature photo- Must be submitted with a cutline. Captures breaking news, activities, academics or teen life
  • Sports action- Must be submitted with a cutline. Captures a dramatic moment during a sport activity
  • Sports feature- Must be submitted with a cutline. Non-portrait, non-sports-action based on the drama and emotion characteristic of the athletic contest


  • Advertising- Individual ad (not a collection of ads) that utilizes art, graphics, and/or photos appropriately and attractively to advertise a specific product or company
  • Digital storytelling- 3 min. max. Mixes images, music, narrative and voice to provide in-depth look
  • Infographics- Informative, attractive, gives attribution
  • Photo gallery- Proper credits and cutlines
  • Social media- At least seven examples of how you use social media to tell stories or market your student media (includes Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.)
  • Videography- 2:30 max. Stable, strong sequencing, good lighting and framing
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