Contest launches in February 2025. Check back for more info!
Due date: June 15
Fee: $30
Awards are presented at the Fall SCSPA Conference.
- Academics Spread- Facing pages that together display a single verbal/visual story or a package of academic coverage
- Alternative Copy- Non-traditional storytelling devices creatively designed
- Clubs/Organizations Spread- Facing pages that together display a single verbal/visual story or a package of clubs or organization coverage
- Cover- Reflects visual and verbal representation of the theme; spine includes school name, city and state, volume, year, publication name; cover includes theme, publication name, year; graphics add to the theme, effective cropping of photos (if used); creative and visually attractive
- Extended Caption- Contains at least two sentences that answer all the readers’ questions without stating the obvious. Clearly identifies the people in the photo with both first and last names (sports captions should also identify names of players on opposing teams). Adhere to rule of good journalism including: active voice; usually first sentence is present tense and remaining sentences in past tense to stop action; free from editorial comment; careful editing and proofreading to eliminate mechanical errors; correct use of grammar
- Feature Copy- Writing and reporting on school and community from the student life section of the book
- Feature Photo- Show the personality and/or characgter of the people photographed
- Personality Profile- Writing focusing on one student, teacher or staff member that makes the character three dimensional
- Sports Action Photo- A non-portrait action photo directly related to sporting events
- Sports Copy- Sports reporting for a season that makes readers feel they are reliving the season or any topic that spotlights an unusual aspect of any event, a coach a player or any controversy
- Sports Reaction Photo- Non-portrait, non-sports-action photos based on the drama and emotion characteristic of athletic contests
- Sports Spread- Facing pages that together display a single verbal/visual story or a package of sports coverage
- Student Life Spread- Facing pages that together display a single verbal/visual story or a package of student life coverage
- Theme- Package includes the cover, title page, opening, endsheets, divider and closing presented together as a portfolio